It's spring break and so off to Russell to take in the sights, railroad sights of course.
Photo #1 is at the station at Russell. The display of the C&O caboose is very nice. Be sure to take the time to look at the bricks in the sidewalk.

Photos #2 shows Russell Tower. The tower is now owned by the city and a sign announces that it being converted to a museum.
Behind me is the former station.

Photos #4 show the next entry on the hit parade. A unit train hauling LPG tank cars. Not a job I would want to do, but this guy is hauling them! Hauling the cars are numbers 6488, a GP 40-2, followed by RDMT, number 2254.

Here they go, slowly into the yard.
The last photos from Russell is of GP 38-2, 2507 and SWMT 1040 passing by and finally a shot of Russell Tower.

My day in Russell went well. Met a couple of track workers. One had started on the C&O in 1969! Wow! Almost forty years! I find that common in reading and talking with workers on the railroad. Many work 40-50 years on the railroad. Again, check out those bricks by the caboose.

Here they go, slowly into the yard.
The last photos from Russell is of GP 38-2, 2507 and SWMT 1040 passing by and finally a shot of Russell Tower.

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