Barnesville, a small town in the hills of eastern Ohio.
On my way to visit my parents, I stopped a took some photos of the old B&O station. Once upon a time this line came from Wheeling and went on to Cambridge, Zanesville, Newark and Columbus.
When I was in high school, the band came to play in the pumpkin festival and I remember walking up the street to look at the station. At that time, the tracks were still there, there was a siding and I suppose a train came through once in a while. Sometime between then and the 1990's the tracks came up. The station is a registered National Historic Structure (1985).
What is ironic is that just a few short miles away NS has a spur to two mines that are active.

Here is another view of the station. In the background you can see the tunnel used to pass the trains under downtown Barnesville. Today it is a nice graveled walkway.
Someday I'd like to return and walk the path for awhile. But not today, it is too cold!

I wonder if that also let the engineer know if a car was too tall for the tunnel? I don't know how he would know. Was there some kind of signal?
Well, I was out of time so it was time to leave. I is good to know that this part of Ohio's past has been preserved.
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