Let's continue our tour of Marietta.
Here is a photo I took of where the PRR once crossed to go to Marietta College. This is where ST. RT 26, 7th St and Green St all meet. It is very much different today.

To the right of the bridge on the far bank, is the house I lived in before we "moved up on the hill" (green house, third one from bridge).

Behind me, and to the left is the CSX office. The former B & O tracks run north to a power plant, about half way to Zanesville. The line used to run all the way to Zanesville. I've been told that a RDC used to run up that way between the towns. You can't get to Zanesville anymore from Marietta this way!

This photo shows the beginning of the CSX tracks running up Harmar Street! Oh, to live on such a street!

Finally, here is my closing shot of the Harmar bridge. The reason I stopped and visited Marietta is that I had heard that the bridge may not survive for long. It is closed to walkers and it does look rather, well, old. Here is hoping the community comes to its rescue. I cannot wonder, but what would have happen to the PRR line, if it had somehow survived the Conrail era, and made it to the NS (?) era. If, B&O had keep the bridge intact for traffic, if, if,if. Isn't that just like life? A lot of ifs?
The lesson here is that, if I had the time, money, and ability to travel as I can today, I would very much like to have taken photos of all that was. Do the same where you live. It is gone so easily.

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