Friday, July 19, 2013

  Watching trains on a hot July day. 

  My grandson and I went to the Marion Station to watch the action on a very warm July day.  Fortunately, there was a cool breeze, some cooling rain, and lots of train action to keep our minds off of the heat.  We both enjoyed the day! 
Photo 1-A view of the NS office.  Notice the new cantilever with the new style of signals and the old NW signals to the right. 

Photo 2-My grandson is waiting patiently for the next train to come!
Photo 3 A  CSX Hy-Rail splits the signals heading west on the CSX line.
 Photo 4 The drive cautiously looks both ways as he crosses the diamond.  I would too! This is a very busy line!
 Photo 5- There he goes.
 Photo 6 If you look closely, you will a crew member working on the engine.  This engine was dragging a long line of tank cars out of the CSX yard to our left, came around the curve and promptly stalled.  It took them two attempts to start the engine.  Once it fired, the engineer "va-room, va-roomed" it!  Reminded me of trying to keep an old car I had running at idle! Eventually it ran and they backed back into the yard completing their job.
 Photo 7 After the yard job cleared, a south bound freight shows up.

 Photo 9 A NS crew shows up to check the diamond out, and while they are working, a CSX local comes by.

 Photo 11 The worker is tightening bolts that have come loose holding the diamond together.
 Photo 12 Checking the diamond out.
 Photo 13 Look what is on the end of another local?  An old Conrail caboose!

 Photo 15  Finishing the job.  The crewman on the right is on the lookout for approaching trains.
That is the end of our jaunt to Marion and its famous diamonds.  Here is one last shot of a NS local running in reverse with another Conrail caboose leading the way.  For once, we didn't hear the blast of the air horn, but the toot of the horn on the caboose!

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Winter Trains

Winter Trains

Took the grandson train watching one nice clear sunny Saturday in February, venturing to Circleville to view the action.    Thinking that a Saturday would be an 'off' day to watch trains and we'd be fortunate to see even one, we never the less, set out, undaunted with the prospect of not seeing any trains. 
  Once there and set up we were not disappointed.  The total before we left, because nap time was upon us, was five!  All coal drags, four from NS and one for CSX.  Nice score for a winter day! 
  Here are some photos of the day's outing. 

 Coal trains on a clear winter day.
 On the old PRR branch from Lancaster, the old line continues to shrivel.  Here is the MOW equipment waiting for Monday's work. 
 I think that this ag business still has rail service, as the rails head into its backyard. 
 The end of the line.  Looking west. 

 The right of way towards the east-towards Lancaster-now bare of rails and wooden ties.  There isn't much left of this line as businesses along it are long gone. 
Finally, once again I venture into Zanesville, on my  way to see my mother, and stop to grab a quick shot of the GW/OC engines taking a siesta in the yard. Look closely and you can see the snow showers-it's winter in Ohio!