It is a rainy day in Ohio-first at Chillicothe and then at Portsmith. Here is the old station in Chillicothe. NS no longer owns the station and it is all boarded up. There used to be a business there, now it is gone.
Just down the way, the old B&O main to St. Louis connects to NS's main from Portsmouth. The B&O mains is mostly gone now, bits and pieces still exists here and there. CSX and NS still run North-South through the town.
The first photo shows the station, the next one shows the same train approaching the station, and the last the next a NS coal train passing the station.
Just to the left of the NS line in the second photo is where the old B&O line connects. CSX now owns this piece of track.
After the coal train passed by, I decided to head down to Portsmouth on the Ohio River to checck out the NS yard. On the way it started to rain, so photo opportunities were very poor.
In the next two shots you see NS power waiting to leave. There is heading out the gate and north towards Chillicothe, Columbus and on with many, many trailers hold containers and semi-trailers.
The last shot is of a coal train. It sat there the entire time I was watching and never moved. Quess it wasn't time for it to leave yet. Then the rain started coming down and it was time to head back home.